14/01/2025 – menSEN Circle (18:30pm-21pm, at Villa Intifada, Krom Boomssloot 47). A workshop about gender based violence. Everyone is welcome but we especially invite men* to join!
15/12/2024 – We will sell books to raise money for Abortion Network Amsterdam. 14pm-19pm at Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93. Bring cash!!
03/12/2024 – menSEN General Assembly (19pm-21pm at Villa Intifada,Krom Boomssloot 47). Discussion about: aims and principles, organizational structure and accountability of our group.
12/11/2024 – menSEN Circle
In this months menSEN Circle we will first take a look at Silvia Federici’s book Caliban and the Witch in which she talks about the relation between the rise of capitalism, the opression of women and the creation of a patriarchal gender role for men.
08/10/2024 – menSEN Circle
A discussion about the Zine: Why misogynists make great informants
10/09/2024 – menSEN Circle
Transforming Masculinities: To become more loving and caring, for ourselves and others, it is important for us to transform our internalized patriarchal masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity not only enforces capitalism it also limits who we can be. What does masculinity mean to us personally? What kind of human do we wish to be and how does that look like in practice? What goals could we formulate for ourselves? And what do we need from eachother to reach those goals? I want to get better at doing carework for example.
13/08/2024 – Solidarity: Connecting feminist struggles. Do you understand how the patriarchy has helped you as a man? How can you use your privilege to contribute to an alternative world where we can all be equal? In this discussion we will focus on what we can provide to the feminist struggle and how to be aware of our privilege in a way that can help and support others. Share your passions, your skills and your abilities so we can channel it all together and move the movement forward!
-27/07/2024 – We will facilitate a discussion on ”Toxic Masculinity within activist movements”. This will be part of Tinderdome Festival at Het Groene Veld (G J Scheurleerweg 212 Amsterdam). 18:00pm-19:30pm
-25/06/2024 – Owning Emotions
Within patriarchal masculinity ‘be a man’ is synonym for ‘don’t show vulnerability’. Although managing emotions requires strenght and vulnerability, it is falsely considered weak, and weakness is shamed. What are the consequences of patriarchal socialization on our emotional wellbeing? Did people ever tell you to ‘man up’? How does psychological patriarchy affect ourselves and the people around us? This sessions was inspired by the book ‘Tools for men with Feminist ambitions’.
-15/03/2024 – General Assembly
What do we want? When do we want it?
-18&19/02/2024 – Theatre of the Opressed workshop
We are hosting a 2 day workshop on Theatre of the Opressed. The Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) is a participatory theater that fosters democratic and cooperative forms of interaction among participants. TO invites people to become “spect-actors,” capable of taking action and using theater as a rehearsal space for social transformation. Our workshops employ a variety of processes based on Theatre of the Oppressed, developed by world-renowned theatre-maker, activist, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Augusto Boal, to define issues, clarify objectives, build skills, and rehearse practical action.
-29/01/2024 – Are the Mensiz ok?
A discussion about the different topics that are brought up in the Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd93Z9M5UQI